Coyote Six

The William Parker thrillers have the running theme of “Coyote Six”. So, what is behind this name?

Let’s start with call signs. The military has used both call signs and the phonetic alphabet since 1944. It inherited the use of this form of pronunciation from the ITU Radiotelephonic Alphabet which hit the airwaves as early as 1927. For clarity, a letter over a radio became described by the phonetic version. “A” became in today’s version “Alpha”. In past versions, it was “Able”. So, when a medivac needed to helicopter in to a landing zone, so as to eliminate confusion, the site on the map could be described as Alpha Whiskey 12.

The military added number designations to note who was talking. The “Six” is the officer in charge or commanding officer. The “Five” would be the executive officer.

Will Parker led a cracked team of Marines as an Air and Naval Gun Fire team or ANGLICO. The small team would enter the war deep inside the enemy’s lines and direct air attacks and naval gunfire. His team was designated as the Coyote Team. He, as the one in charge, was the “Six”.

Thus, Will Parker, from past missions was and is “Coyote Six”. They may be on many, far reaching operations now than directing air attacks, but the name stuck. He is the leader of his team of loyal Marines, the Coyote Team.